Svend Aage Madsen

Svend Aage Madsen er psykolog, ph.d. og klinisk specialist
Forfatter til en lang række bøger og artikler.
Holder foredrag inden for en bred vifte af temaer.
Afholder kurser og seminarer om forskellige emner.
Har mange års erfaring med psykologsamtaler og supervision.
Information in English
Svend Aage Madsen - Full CV HERE - Full list of publications HERE
Dr. Svend Aage Madsen is a specialist in clinical psychology. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1995 at the University of Copenhagen on 'When Being a Mother is not Just Happiness”.
Since 1996 he has been Head of Department for Psychology, Play Therapy & Social Counselling at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet Denmark.
Svend Aage Madsen has headed research programmes tackling issues such as ‘Fathers’ Relations with their Infants’, ‘Fathers and Delivery’, ‘Men’s Mood Disorders in Becoming Fathers’, and ‘Men as Patients’. He is working clinically and scientificly with a focus on men’s and fathers’ mental health and men and psychotherapy. Currently Svend Aage Madsen is conducting a comprehensive research program on how to detect coming fathers' mood disturbances during the coming mothers' pregnancy. Svend Aage Madsen has published several national and international books and articles. He is author of the section “Men’s mental health” in the report “The State of Men’s Health in Europe”. He was Chair of Copenhagen Conference 2012 on “Gender and Health through Life”, and is President of Men’s Health Society, Denmark.
Selected international publications:
Madsen, S.Aa. (2019) Men and Perinatal Depression. Trends in Urology and Men’s Health, Volume 10 , Issue 2, pages 7-9, March/April
Clasen, L., Blaurt, A. & Madsen, S.Aa. (2018) “What Will My Friends Think?” Social Consequences for Danish Victims of Sexual Assaults in Peer Groups. Jrn of Child Sexual Abuse,
Madsen, S.Aa. (2015) Men as patients. Trends in Urology and Men’s Health, Volume 6, Issue 3, pages 22–26, May/June
White, A., McKee, M., Richardson, N., de Visser, R., Madsen, S.Aa., de Sousa, B., Hogston, R., Za-tonski, W. & Makara, P. (2013) An examination of the association between premature mortality and life expectancy among men in Europe. The European Journal of Public Health. June: doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckt076
Mikkelsen, A., Madsen, S.Aa. Humaidan, P. (2012) Psychological aspects of male fertility treatment. Journal of Advanced Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jan.12058
White, A., McKee, M., Richardson, N., de Visser, R., Madsen, S.Aa., de Sousa, B., Hogston, R., Za-tonski, W. & Makara, P. (2011) Europe’s men need their own health strategy. BMJ 2011;343:d7397.
Jensen, H., Wodschow, A. & Madsen, S.Aa. (2011) Psychological Treatment of Children Sexually Abused Due to a Contact on the Internet. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 56, 3, 22-29.
White, A., de Sousa, B., de Visser, R., Hogston, R, Madsen, S.Aa., Makara, P., McKee, M., Raine, G., Richardson, N., Clarke, N. & Zatonski, W. (2011) Men’s Health in Europe. Journal of Men's Health Volume 8, Issue 3, 192-201
Madsen, S.Aa. & Burgess, A. (2010) Becoming a father – post natal depression in men p. 71-82. In: White, A. & Conrad, D. (eds.) Promoting Men’s Mental Health. London: Radcliffe Publishing.
Madsen, S.Aa. (2010) Between autonomy and attachment. Psychotherapy for men with postnatal depression p. 315-340. In: Blazina, C & Miller, D. (eds). An International Psychology of Men. Theoretical Advances, Case Studies, and Clinical Innovations. New York: Routledge.
Madsen, S.Aa. (2009) Men’s Mental Health: Fatherhood and Psychotherapy. The Journal of Men’s Studies. Vol 17, 1 (winter), 15-30.
Madsen, S.Aa. & Juhl, T. (2007). Paternal depression in the postnatal period assessed with traditional and male depression scales. Int Journ Men’s Health & Gender. Vol 4 Issue I, March, 26-31.
Madsen, S.Aa., Lind, D. & Munck, H. (2007). Men’s Abilities to Reflect Their Infants’ States of Mind. Nordic Psychology, 59,(2), 149-163.
Madsen, S.Aa. (2008) "Psychische Belastungsstörungen bei Männern, die Väter werden - Psychodynamik, Häufigkeiten und Auswirkungen auf die Praxis. In: Schäfer, E., Abou-Dakn, M. & Wöckel, A. (eds.): (Eds.) Vater werden ist nicht schwer? Edition Psychosozial. Berlin: Psychosozial Verlag.
Madsen, S.Aa. & Munck, H. (2001) Une étude au Danemark. La présence des pères á l’accouchemant. Santé Mentale au Quebeck Vol XXVI, nr 1, 27-38.